Visit the Houston Skateboards shop at 401 Franklin St in Downtown Houston

Skatemas Jam at Eastwood Skatepark

Friends of Eastwood Park, Inc. presents Skatemas Jam “A Day To Give Back To The Community”. Thursday December 19th at Eastwood Skatepark, from 3 to 6 PM!  FREE food, Product Giveaways including a Houston Skateboards deck, and more!

5000 Harrisburg Blvd. Houston, TX 77011


  • Being a retiree, I never thought much about digital currencies until a friend introduced me to Bitcoin. I decided to try my hand at mining and airdropping and managed to accumulate a fair amount of coins of various kinds. I saved my decryption key on a USB drive, figuring it was the safest place. I recently found out my coins have appreciated running into hundreds of thousands of Australian Dollars. I was thrilled and ready to cash out. However, when I looked for the USB drive, it was nowhere to be found. I tore my house apart searching for it but to no avail. In desperation, I searched online for a solution and stumbled upon Cyber Genie Hack Pro. They provided a solution to my task which was programming a tool solely for my device, the tool claimed it could recover lost decryption keys. With nothing to lose, I downloaded the tool and followed the clear instructions. The program created by Cyber Genie Hack Pro scanned my computer and sourced out all passwords ever logged in on that system for years. After several hours, it provided a list of potential keys. I was skeptical but tried each one. To my amazement, one of the keys worked, and I could access my Blockchain account again. Thanks to Cyber Genie Hack Pro. I retrieved my coins. This experience has been a huge relief and has given me a new appreciation for technology. I’m now more careful with my important information and have a much brighter financial future.
    Email: CyberGenie (@) CyberServices (.) C om.
    W/A: + 1 2 5 2 5 1 2 0 3 9 1.

    Deanah Laure

    My name is William, and I am here to share my story briefly. About 4 months ago, I was tricked into investing in the crypto market, only to discover that it was a sophisticated investment scam. They managed to extort $450,000 of my hard-earned money. Devastated and desperate, I sought help from various authorities, but their hands were tied since the payment was made in Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency known for its anonymity and difficulty in tracing. For months, I battled depression, feeling helpless and betrayed by the system that couldn’t protect me from such fraudulent schemes. It seemed like all hope was lost, until one day, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon Web Bailiff Contractor. Their profile promised to recover lost funds from scams, and out of sheer desperation, I decided to reach out to them. To my surprise, Web Baliff Contracor responded promptly. They assured me that they could help track down the scammer and recover my stolen money. Skeptical yet clinging onto a thread of hope, I provided them with the necessary details and waited anxiously for any updates. Within just 5 days,Web Baliff Contractor delivered on its promise. They successfully traced the transactions, identified the culprits behind the scam, and initiated the recovery process. It felt like a miracle. After months of anguish and financial loss, I finally saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I cannot express the relief and gratitude I felt towards Web Baliff Contractor. They not only recovered my funds but also restored my faith in justice. Their professionalism, efficiency, and dedication were beyond commendable. I will forever hold Web Baliff Contractor close to my heart for rescuing me from what seemed like an insurmountable nightmare. If you find yourself in a similar situation—falling victim to an online scam, losing money through fraudulent investments, or any other financial cybercrime—I urge you to consider reaching out to Web Bailiff Contractor. Their expertise in financial fraud recovery and their commitment to helping victims are unmatched. You can find them on Instagram or contact them directly through their recovery services my journey through this ordeal has taught me valuable lessons about vigilance and the importance of seeking reputable help in times of crisis. I hope that by sharing my story, I can raise awareness about the prevalence of online scams and encourage others to take proactive measures to protect themselves. Remember, there are genuine professionals like Web Bailiff Contractor who are dedicated to fighting against financial fraud and bringing justice to victims. Don’t hesitate to seek their assistance if you ever find yourself in need. Together, we can make the internet a safer place for everyone.

    Grace Smith
  • Scammers on the Internet pose as cryptocurrency investment companies to play with people’s trust and steal their money.I invested $180,000 worth of cryptocurrency and at the end I lost everything, which caused financial imbalance in my life and prevented me from being able to pay my regular expenses.I was duped because I trusted the wrong people with my hard-earned money, which caused me to suffer and be distressed in my life—never a good experience for anyone involved.I began to inquire about how to resolve my case, and a friend of mine suggested that I get in touch with CYBERETRIEVE,saying that they are thefinest recovery company to take on my case since CYBERETRIEVE was able to retrieve his lost digital assets just last month.After I contacted them and filed my case,I found excellent reviews and testimonials about this specific firm online,which turned out to be my lifesaver due to the prompt recovery of my lost investment funds.They were incredibly passive and reassuring with their recovery process and communication with their clients, answering any questions I had and addressing all of my concerns until they achieved the amazing outcome,which truly changed my life after I had given up hope that I would ever be able to get my lost investment back.If you are a scam victim reach out to them via:

    Steve Randall
    On March 11, 2024, I eagerly joined the “millionaires” group on WhatsApp, hoping to enhance my trading skills and financial prospects. Soon after, I began receiving guidance from Emma, the teacher’s assistant, who walked me through setting up my account on the platform. Encouraged by her support, I made my first investment of $888.46 on April 17, 2024, with subsequent investments totalling $47,928.49 by May 5, 2024. In total, I invested $100,821.42.Initially, my trading endeavours seemed promising, yielding substantial earnings of $1,406,986.00. However, my excitement turned to concern when I attempted to withdraw my profits. The platform imposed a $5 fee on each trade, which I accepted. However, they subsequently demanded a staggering 15% commission fee amounting to $196,047.90 for me to access my funds. This fee was never disclosed upfront or agreed upon, leaving me feeling deceived and trapped. Frustrated by these unexpected demands, I reached out to their customer service for clarification and resolution. They initially insisted on a 1% withdrawal fee, which I paid along with an additional $1250.00 plus $500 for a $125,000 withdrawal. Despite settling these fees on June 5, 2024, I was informed I needed to pay another 1% for “labor fees,” which appeared arbitrary and unjustified to me. The situation escalated on May 17, 2024, when the platform abruptly ceased trading activities and shut down the WhatsApp chat room without prior notice. They then demanded the exorbitant $196,047.90 commission fee, emphasizing it as a precondition for any withdrawal, despite no prior agreement or disclosure.
    Feeling helpless and realizing the severity of the situation, I sought assistance from Web Bailiff Contractor. Their reputation as experts in recovering funds from financial scams gave me hope. With their guidance, I embarked on reclaiming my funds, navigating through the complexities with their methodical approach and clear communication. Web Bailiff Contractor demonstrated unwavering dedication and expertise in handling financial disputes. They meticulously analyzed my case, exposed the platform’s deceptive practices, and advocated on my behalf. Their efforts were about financial recovery and restoring justice and dignity to victims of fraudulent schemes. Thanks to Web Bailiff Contractor’s intervention, I finally saw a breakthrough. They successfully facilitated the withdrawal of my funds, relieving me of the burden imposed by the platform. Their professionalism and persistence throughout the process were exemplary, providing me with much-needed support during a distressing ordeal. Reflecting on my experience, Web Bailiff Contractor proved to be more than just a service provider; they were a lifeline in navigating the aftermath of financial fraud. Their commitment to client satisfaction and ethical practices sets them apart, offering a beacon of hope for individuals like me who find themselves victimized by unscrupulous entities. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Web Bailiff Contractor to anyone facing similar challenges. Their expertise, integrity, and relentless pursuit of justice are invaluable in safeguarding against financial exploitation. Thank you, Web Bailiff Contractor, for restoring what was rightfully mine and for being a trusted ally in my journey towards financial recovery and empowerment.

    Lydia Betti
  • HAVE YOU LOST YOUR CREDIT CARD? DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH BACK?The feeling of losing one’s cryptocurrency can be extremely distressing,especially since it is nearly hard to get back a lost or stolen cryptocurrency coin.All that crosses a person’s mind when they are defrauded of their money when investing on a cryptocurrency platform is how to report the company and recover their losses.The majority of scam victims get in touch with their bank,wallet account provider,or law enforcement;a small number even hire an attorney to file a lawsuit against the business,but despite all of this stress,they still aren’t able to get their money back.Please,everyone should exercise caution when making financial investments.The use of cryptocurrency has made a great deal of people wealthy but also broke and desperate.I was referred to CYBERETRIEVE a few weeks ago,and with their help,I was able to recover every USDT coin that had been stolen.CYBERETRIEVE is a trustworthy and sincere company that I suggest if you want to recover your lost or stolen them via

    Amy Fallows

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